Father Kyle Manno grew up in Illinois – but now he’s taking to the streets of LA with a mic to discuss Jesus with fellow Christians, atheists, and . . . spider man. Check out this sneak peek video of a brand new series on YouTube coming next month:
So just who is this priest with a mic? Father Manno is the youngest of four children from a family in Palatine, Illinois. He studied music at Northern Illinois University. But when he started taking sign language classes at a local parish with a priest, he realized that the Catholic faith was much more alive (and fun!) then he thought previously. It was during that time that he discerned the Lord’s call to the priesthood. He was accepted at Mundelein Seminary, where he studied philosophy and theology.
Father Manno was was ordained to the priesthood in 2016. “I can honestly say, that was the happiest day of my life. I cannot imagine doing anything else,” he writes. “I’m so excited to be here and I want all of you to know that you can contact me for anything you need. Never think that I am too busy, because the priesthood of Jesus Christ and my life is not about me, it’s about the people of God. As a deacon, I was ordained to serve. As a priest, I was ordained to give up my life so that all of you can get to heaven!”
Read more: Creating Good YouTube Content for the New Evangelization
Keep an eye out on ‘More Cake Please’ and their Youtube Channel for ‘Priest with a Mic!” coming to you in May 2018! Want more of Father Manno before the series launches? Check out his Twitter – his bio says all you need to know about him: “I’m a Catholic priest….can life get much better?”