The Easter Vigil is wonderful. I go every year. But it’s also long. Sometimes, it’s veeerrryyy looooooonnng. But, it’s worth it. Still, it’s fun to about the memories, too. Here are a few moments you might be familiar with.
When you arrive in the parking lot
Because you remember being received into the church
When you look over at your well-behaved kids and you’re full of confidence
About the time of the 5th reading
Your kids wont stop making jokes and asking to go home
When someone offers to help with your kids
And you, too, start thinking of goofy stuff
But you ain’t gonna let that get you down
You become tired, but still following
And then they get a lit candle
And you’re really hoping for the best at this point
The time you left to take a kid to the bathroom and someone stole your seat
Then the lights come on and they’re like
And you’re probably like
Or maybe
Or if you’ve never been to the Vigil
Then you though sitting in the front row was a good idea, until the blessing of the water
When you say the words, “He is risen”
But when it’s over, you’re grateful for much
And you leave with a great appreciation