Five Catholic Prayers for Our Nation – EpicPew

Five Catholic Prayers for Our Nation

No matter whom you are voting for, and whether or not we are in the midst of an election cycle, it is important for American Catholics to take the time to pray for our nation. Here are five prayers that every Catholic can pray in order to strengthen our faith and grow closer to the Lord as we strive to support our fellow man, in the midst of whatever we face regarding temporal concerns while building up the kingdom of God and preparing for eternity.


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1. A Rosary for Our Nation from CatholicTV


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2. An Election Prayer to Mary from EWTN


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3. Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel from EWTN


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4. A Prayer for America by Archbishop John Carroll, S.J., First U.S. Bishop from the Catholic Company


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5. Prayers for the Church and the World from the USCCB (There are multiple prayers listed here, emphasizing the importance of praying for various considerations regarding our national situation, as well as for the rest of the world by extension.)

Please continue to pray for our national leaders, whether at the federal, state, or local levels. May God bless America!