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When I was in college, I knew I needed to read the Bible more.

I often caught myself staring at my Bible wondering just where to start. It wasn’t rare for me to play Bible roulette, opening up to a random page and hoping for inspiration to strike.


The Great Adventure

It wasn’t until a friend introduced me to The Great Adventure Study that the story of Scripture started making sense. The study outlined the important narrative books of the Bible, utilizing a color-coded timeline for quick and easy reference.

With The Great Adventure Bible Study, sections of Scripture that I thought were completely unrelated begin to connect. I wasn’t as intimidated by reading and praying with Scripture as I had been before. And slowly, I stopped playing Bible roulette.

But even after the study was done, I still thought it would be nice to have a Bible that actually made sense of what I was reading.

That’s why today, the new Great Adventure Bible is revolutionizing the way that I read Scripture.


A Scripture revolution 

If you’ve been wondering how to start reading (and understanding!) Scripture, The Great Adventure Bible can help make the complexity of the Bible simple.

Scripture scholars like Jeff Cavins, Mary Healy, Andrew Swafford, and Peter Williamson put together this beautiful Bible.

“This Bible makes the complex simple as it guides you through the narrative woven throughout Salvation history,” explains Jeff Cavins. “Following this story, you’ll see how all of the books, characters, and events of the Bible come together to reveal God’s amazing plan for our lives.”

Every book of the Bible is color coded according to The Great Adventure Bible timeline learning system that made so much sense for me when I first encountered it.

Each color coordinates with a period in salvation history. As you read Scripture, you’ll instantly know where each book fits in the overarching story of the Bible.


  • 12 timeline charts that provide a visual overview of events and characters
  • 21 articles that explain how to read each section of Scripture
  • 70 ‘key event call-outs’ provide an in depth look at Biblical milestones
  • 35 full color charts and maps to help you understand the geography of Scripture
  • The words of Jesus printed in red
  • Large margins with room for your notes
  • Two ribbons for holding your place

“All of these tools make The Great Adventure Catholic Bible easy to read, easy to follow, and easy to remember,” Jeff Cavins says. “It’s perfect for your personal devotion and  study, or as a gift for friends and family!”

Do you want to understand Scripture? Do you want to be transformed by the Word of God? What are you waiting for? Pick up a copy of The Great Adventure Catholic Bible today online at Ascension Press.

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