How the Angels Help Each Day – EpicPew

How the Angels Help Each Day

Ever had that funny feeling something was going to happen or you should or shouldn’t do something? Or, that someone or something reach out and prevent something from happening that could have been tragic? I have!

When my second baby was just a few months old, I put her down in our living room so that I could bring in groceries. I was in the car grabbing bags, when something got my attention and I saw my baby rolling over right towards two stairs that led down to a tile floor. Somehow, I made it over to her and she rolled right into my arms before rolling down the stairs. Was it just “motherly intuition” or something more? I truly believe it was one of our guardian angels—mine or hers—letting me know she was going to get hurt and I needed to save her.

Many people all over the world have similar stories of ways their lives have literally been touched by an angel. Angels manly work invisibly, but there are times throughout history when angels have been seen and interceded in situations changing the course of history – one of the most notable is Gabriel’s visit with Mary. Odile Haumonté investigates and explains angel’s role in Encounters with Angels: The Invisible Companions of Our Spiritual Life. Haumonté outlines the spiritual role they play in God’s plan for us, who they really are (and aren’t) and how we can communicate with them when we need their help and companionship. Here are a few of the ways our angels can aid us when we need them most

Messengers of God and between others

Image by bernswaelz from Pixabay

Angels can facilitate communication between us and God, but they also can communicate between person to person. St. Padre Pio would advise those who lived far away from the monastery to send their guardian angel to him so he would know how to pray for them. Someone doubted this happened, and Padre Pio responded word for word the message her angel had told him.

Strength in the face of evil

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Angels help us to stand up against evil because they know who wins. As humans, we are weak and often afraid of confrontation. Even when we want to be brave, when facing life and death situations we will cower and feel shame because we didn’t do more. Angels have helped children the strength to stand up for what is right. St. Joan of Arc was only 13 when she approached seasoned generals and soldiers to deliver God’s message so that France could win the war.

Fight fire with fire

Image by adrian schüpbach from Pixabay

The devil is a fallen angel, like all the other holy angels. He has angelic power, he has influence over our lives similar to God’s angels, but that’s all that is similar to other angels. God’s angels are not selfish, nor do they want us to fall into temptation – so why not use those who know the devil best to defeat him? Do not speak with the devil. Do not compromise. Do not give in. Do call out your Angel when you are in distress – they don’t know your thoughts therefore you have to explain out loud why you are sad or anxious. You can also use this against the devil as Jesus did, when he told Satan to get behind him when Peter tried to tell him not to go to the cross.

Bring your angel to Mass

Image by Ziaur Chowdhury from Pixabay

Angels are active participants in the Mass, as we sing the Gloria, angels sing along with us the joy of Jesus’ birth and they help during the Consecration as the priest calls upon the angels to bring our offering upon the altar in Heaven. Some people have had visions seeing the angels move between Heaven and Earth. Just as we worship Jesus and God, so do the angels, so go to Mass and bring your angel with you.

Pray, pray, pray

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Yep, we are all busy, but guess who is there to also help us to pray – you guessed it, your angel. We when struggle with prayer or need strength to carry on, our angels can intercede for us directly to God, they can finish our prayers, they can give us strength to stand and face temptation or evil through their prayers. Just remember, we don’t worship angels, but pray for their intercession just as we do the saints.

There is so much more to learn about angels, our guardian angel and how they take care of us to help us live holy lives to guide us back to Heaven. Odile Haumonté covers many of these topics and so much more about who the angels are, what their role is in Heaven and on Earth and how they are our friends who want us to grow as close to God as they are. Encounters with Angels: The Invisible Companions of Our Spiritual Life is an in-depth study of how angels have interceded throughout all of salvation history, how they tended to the needs of Jesus and other saints and how they continue to help us along our journey and struggles. They understand how difficult it is to be human and how evil the devil is in trying to steal us away from God. Pray to St. Michael the Archangel when facing evil, or to your guardian angel before bed (just remember to talk out loud because they don’t know our thoughts like God does). These angels will bring us to the gates of Heaven where we too can hear their heavenly song, Glory to God in the Highest!