How to Find the Well-Paying Job With a Theology or Religious Studies Degree – EpicPew

How to Find the Well-Paying Job With a Theology or Religious Studies Degree

Where do you think people with a degree in theology or religion end up working? I bet you’re saying ‘the church’ or ‘as a missionary’. But it doesn’t have to be.

Theology and religion connote the existence of God and the diverse ways people worship this deity. It also involves understanding people’s personal beliefs in such ideas as humanism and atheism.

Howbeit a degree in this area of study does not only imply that you have to lead parishioners. Your expertise can come in handy in a variety of other career paths or human endeavors. When applying for a degree, begin by enquiring where it can lead you. The college’s online AI chatbox will usually provide all the initial information you require.

Let’s discuss how to find a well-paid job having a theology or religious studies degree.

Well-paid jobs requiring a Theology or Religious Studies degree

People with a degree in religion or theology also work in secular and government organizations. You are most likely to get a position that allows you to support people emotionally and spiritually. So, here we go.

Religious writer

Writing is a career that you can take into any human space and excel. You can get on the top writers list sharing your best knowledge. Religious writers have the opportunity to discuss religious history, events, ideas, and advancements. You can affiliate yourself with an organization—religious, social, or non-governmental—to provide content that serves the benefit of their audience. You can also create your own functional space. You can offer religious writing on some of the best websites for writing services or print media.

Charity/Outreach Worker

If you love to directly affect people by discovering their challenges and providing a solution, you’ll enjoy being a charity or outreach worker. It is always rewarding to see the gratitude on the faces of people who receive kindness in any form. Religious bodies, government, and humanitarian aid organizations are always recruiting people to help them distribute necessary aid and resources to select communities.

Charity workers have the responsibility of managing donations from sponsors and the provision of these items. While the outreach worker ensures that these provisions reach the target people group.


Curators need to be people that appreciate and exercise religion at a level of expertise that is different from the common man. They should also be able to conduct research and organize information about the antiques, exhibits, and displays under their custody.

As a curator, you can affect a person’s emotions or spiritual life by the way you handle the objects and artifacts in your care. Your proficiency as a curator can inspire other professionals to become efficient and happy at work when they leave the museum.

Military Chaplain

The military is ever recruiting theology or religion majors, both to serve as members of the Armed Forces and to encourage other men and women in uniform. These chaplains include priests, pastors, imams, and rabbis who boost the people’s emotional resilience, aptitude, spiritual fitness, and morale. Military leaders are not left out in the impact of chaplains as they seek advice from them.

Military chaplains are actively involved in bridging the gap between the community religious members, pastors, and counselors. They evaluate and supervise spiritual care staff and volunteers while taking part in interdisciplinary meetings. Their service is vital because there needs to be body and mind harmony to excel in military service.

Catholic chaplains must be in seminary and express a desire to their bishop, who grants permission to “loan” the priest to the Archdiocese for the Military Services (AMS) concluding the reception of Holy Orders.

Hospice Chaplain

This position is mostly available to chaplains who hold a master’s degree, are certified and ordained to be ministers. The least qualification is a bachelor’s degree in religion or theology since you’ll be catering to the spiritual and emotional needs of patients and their families. This is a career path to pursue if you feel the need to help people through difficult times.

Often, patients in need of intensive care need spiritual support to pull through the period. Hospice chaplains provide the care and support that these patients and their families require, either directly or through other professionals. When these patients come to the end of their lives, the chaplain may be involved in the funeral and memorial processes. People who require the services of a hospice chaplain can be from diverse faiths, so you’ll have to provide individualized support programs.

Theology or Religion Instructor

You already know that you were able to get your degree in theology or religion because you had a professor. This is evidence that you can choose to become an instructor in any capacity — at a parochial school or college. To get this position, you must be inclined to the views of the organization, devout, practicing, and willing to advance its mission.

As a religious instructor, you should be able to collaborate with staff with differing opinions from yours, philosophize and develop a befitting curriculum that suits the learning styles of your students

In terms of qualification, you need a master’s or doctoral degree. You can apply to become a lecturer and/ or researcher in any parochial institution of your choice.

Pastoral Counselor

Everyday people have struggles in many areas of their life which they wish someone can help them through. You can be that person that helps people through their daily struggles, both spiritually and emotionally.

Religious organizations employ pastoral counselors who serve as mental health professionals. These counselors collect relevant data that enables them to assess the individual and family life of their clients so as to summarize their strengths, goals, and needs. This is used to develop plans for personalized therapies. The spiritual therapy that pastoral counselors provide is also geared at boosting the psychological and emotional health of the client.

To become a pastoral counselor, you require certified training in theology or religion and mental health counseling. You can have a bachelor’s degree in religion and a master’s in counseling techniques. Also, a professional certification got from a body like the American Association of Pastoral Counsellors would lend you more credence.


With a degree in religion or theology, you have the chance to be accepted in any organization where the people require emotional, spiritual support and morale-boosting. This list of seven job opportunities is not exhaustive, but they can serve as a starter guide.

Most colleges that provide theology and religion degrees have a student counseling unit that is willing to walk you through the decision-making process. A good place to start the investigation, though, is to ask yourself why you chose to get a degree in religion or theology. Then you can begin to find out the options available to you in those areas.

The Epic Guest contributor is Anna Medina:

Anna likes writing from her university years. When she graduated from the Interpreters Department, she realized that translation was not so interesting, as writing was. She trains her skills now working as a freelance writer on different topics. Always she does her best in the posts and articles.

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