Happy Thanksgiving!
Today is about giving thanks for the great gifts that God has graced us with (even those family members we might not necessarily like. Ha!)
Seriously though, the act of getting together with loved ones under the same roof to give thanks truly transcends all divisions and barriers. We share a common meal with each other and thank God for the abundant blessings he has given to us. And he has truly given us many things to be thankful for, especially the gift of life. Today, the key is to give thanks, ultimately.
I am thankful for my wife, my daughter, all of my family and friends, America, music, beer, records, you for reading this article…I could go on and on.
In the same vein, I am thankful for my Catholic faith. Below are some of the many reasons why I am thankful to be Catholic.
What makes you thankful? What makes you thankful to be Catholic? Share in the comments section below!
The Sacraments
The Mass
Stained Glass Windows
The Pope
Gregorian Chant (this is a link!)
The University System
It was invented by Catholics, doncha know?
The Saints. All of the them.
All of the Diverse Rites Within the Church
Founded by God Himself on Simon Peter the Rock
Rockin’ it since AD 33!
Faith AND Reason