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I’m going to need a lot of Heavenly help in 2017.  I’m getting married, moving to a new city, and looking for a new job.  Throughout all of my crazy life changes, I’ve always found the saints to be an incredible help. I hope you feel the same way (about needing help).

I have so many saints I could pick from for my patron saint of the year.  Saints Louis and Zelie Martin for my upcoming marriage? Saint Monica, patron saint of married women? Saint Joseph, patron of traveling and houses? Saint Jude for my seemingly impossible job search? With all of the saint possibilities to choose from, I was thrilled to find Jennifer Fulwiler’s Saint Name Generator.  Jennifer set up the site to choose from a list of great saints, and takes all the guess work out of finding your patron saint for the new year.


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While the program works to pick a saint for you, they also encourage you to take a quick moment to pause and say a prayer.  Then, when you’re ready, you can meet your saint! Check out an example below – the website gives you the feast day of your saint, their patronages, and a chance to learn a little bit more about them as well.

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My patron saint of the year is Saint John of the Cross, patron saint of contemplatives, mystical theology, mystics, and Spanish poets.  It seems fitting given my love of the Carmelite saints and recent reading of St. John’s Dark Night of the Soul. Maybe it’s also a sign that I should get into Spanish poetry…I did want to expand my reading list this year, after all.

If Check out this Saint Name Generator and see who your patron saint of 2017 is!  Then, share your saint on social media using #Saint2017. 

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