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Lent may be almost over, but if you haven’t found a sacrifice to make yet or dropped the ball on yours, here are 5 sacrifices you still have time to do for Lent.


Read a Book on the Passion

dolorous passion book cover

A good one is The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ which are the visions of Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich (and what Mel Gibson used as a cornerstone for his movie “The Passion of the Christ”). Another good choice is On the Passion of Christ According to the Four Evangelists: Prayers and Meditations by Thomas a Kempis.


Read the Last Conversations of St. Thérèse

last conversations st. therese

Here are 19 of her final quotes that are extra awe-inspiring.


Start St. Louis de Montfort’s Marian Consecration

de montfort consecration

The next “round” started on March 26th, but you can still catch up or start the next round. Of course, you can always start whenever you want, but the suggested starting days coincide with consecrating on a Marian feast day. You can purchase the book here.


Start praying the daily rosary


Or if that’s not your bag or it’s too much for you to take on, try praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet daily, instead- it’s a little shorter and has a quicker rhythm to it. Ramp up this sacrifice by offering the prayers for someone who has annoyed or hurt you that day and for a softening of your own heart.


Meditate on the daily readings


The app Laudate has the daily readings (and lots of other prayers) or you could subscribe to Magnificat. However you do it, meditating on the daily reasons brings you into the Word of God daily and gives a focus for the day. Can’t go wrong with getting more into Scripture!

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