Let’s imagine: Jesus as a kid – EpicPew

Let’s imagine: Jesus as a kid

There are less than a handful of stories in the Bible before Jesus started preaching. I’ve often wondered, what he was like as a young boy and a teenager? He obviously knew who he was, when he knew where his Father’s house was, but what experience did he have as a human boy, yet Divine…let’s imagine.

Lost teeth

This is a fun one to talk with kids about – Jesus knows exactly what we go through as humans, like losing teeth. Think about that, sweet Mother Mary having to wiggle one that just won’t come out.

Miracle kid

Imagine playing with Jesus as your friend, playing some ancient game, tripping and falling. Great, broken ankle and scraped-up legs. No worries, Jesus can heal that right up.

Good at sports or clumsy?

What’s your vote? Would Jesus be the first kid picked or last when it comes to playing sports? Ya know, he’s always studying his Father’s words, maybe not so good at the games.

Tell me a joke

We know Jesus was sent on a mission by our Lord, but I’m going to guess he had a great sense of humor. When you are so full of joy, how can you not be able to tell a funny story or joke?


We know the devil himself tempted him, but we know as teens, there are so many temptations that it would even be difficult for a young Israelite to avoid. Even something like stealing a piece of fruit to give to someone who was hungry? Yes, I’m sure he was tempted, but he remained sinless.

Full of empathy

This one we know Jesus experienced constantly. He knew why he was sent, so he would feel sad for the poor or sick from an early age. I’m sure he wanted to help everyone but I wonder how he handled it as a young man.


We know how he dealt with sadness as a man – he was devastated when John the Baptist was killed and cried when Lazarus died. But he lost his father, Joseph, sometime between the finding in the temple and the start of his ministry. This would have been heartbreaking, knowing he could have prevented it, yet, having to let him go because it wasn’t “his time yet”. This is why St. Joseph is the patron of a happy death – who wouldn’t want both Jesus and Mary with them when they die?


After Joseph’s death, Jesus would have led the Passover dinner. I wonder how he would have felt every time knowing he was the Passover lamb to be sacrificed, every year growing closer and closer.

Jesus’ humanity is what makes him so relatable to us. It was a different time, and they didn’t have the technology we do, but in so many ways, we are still all the same. Next time your humanness is rearing its ugly head, pray to Jesus to help you through. I’m sure he’ll be able to walk you through it.

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