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The fathers of the Council of Trent (1545-1563) would be proud! Are you a devotee of the Latin Mass, or are you more of a Novus Ordo adherent? Or do you value the attributes of both Eucharistic celebrations?

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If you love the Latin Mass, there is now a new app available to help train altar servers for masses celebrated in the Extraordinary Form. The app, called “Introibo” (a reference to “Introibo ad altare Dei,” or “I go to the altar of God”), is completely free for use on iPads.

In the past, there were cassettes and compact discs available for altar servers in training, but this app is a mark of twenty-first century technological advances that help support age-old liturgical settings.

You can find out more by visiting this this page by Gregory DiPipo, editor of the New Liturgical Movement – Sacred Liturgy and Liturgical Arts.

Download the app in the iTunes store now!

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