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Former Saved by the Bell star and host of Extra Mario Lopez renewed his baptismal promises recently in the Jordan River where Jesus was baptized by Saint John the Baptist.

Lopez was flanked by two Catholic priests who asked him:

“Do you believe in Jesus Christ? Do you believe that He is the Son of God? Do you intend to serve Him all your life?”

And to each question, Lopez responded, “Yes, I do.”

After walking out of the river, he told the camera man, “That was awesome, that was so cool and I was so fortunate to meet these very nice people from Romania. They sang the song for me and everything. That was moving. That was cool.”

Read more: Watch this Amazing Explanation of the Sacrament of Baptism


Lopez has been vocal about his Catholic faith in the past and has been sharing pictures and videos of his trip to the Holy Land through his Twitter account.

Mario Lopez was raised in a “big, loud, Mexican Catholic family” and is married to actress Courtney Mazza with whom he has two children, Gia and Dominic. “It’s important for me that my kids have a faith-based education, so obviously they’re in Catholic school…I’m always proud to promote that I am Catholic.”

For more on his trip to the Holy Land, look up Mario on Twitter. It is so good to see the Faith being proclaimed loudly and boldly among celebrities and serves as a reminder that we are all children of God on a journey of faith through this life.

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