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Quebec – Father Christian Rodembourg, a Missionary of the Holy Apostles, has been nominated as the Bishop of the Diocese of Saint-Hyacinthe, in the Province of Quebec, Canada.  Bishop-elect Rodembourg is the first Missionary of the Holy Apostles to ever be nominated as bishop.

On June 29, 2017, Pope Francis accepted the resignation of Revered François Lapierre, P.M.É., as Bishop of the Diocese of Saint-Hyacinthe.  Revered François had served the diocese for 19 years. The reason for his retirement was his age – Canon 401 of the Code of Canon Law states that diocesan bishops must resign their position after they reach age 75.

Pope Francis then accepted the nomination of Bishop-elect Rodembourg. Before his nomination, the bishop-elect served as the pastor of the Co-Cathedral of Saint Anthony Padua in the Diocese of  Saint-Jean-Longueuil. Bishop-elect Rodembourg was also a member of the Board of Trustees for Holy Apostles College and Seminary.

According to the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Diocese of Saint-Hyacinthe has 83 parishes and missions, with a Catholic population of 336,445 served by 93 diocesan priests, 92 priests who are members of institutes of consecrated life, 30 permanent deacons, 483 religious Sisters and 122 Brothers who are members of religious institutes, as well as 43 lay pastoral workers.

In a letter announcing the nomination, Father Isaac Martinez-Chuquizana, M.S.A. wrote, “The nomination is an immense grace that Pope Francis is granting our Society! It is the confirmation that our community has been willed by our Lord and that it was born under the impulse and inspiration of the Holy Spirit. It has now been called to continue to enlarge its mission by renewing its service to the dimensions of the universal Church.”

The Missionaries of the Holy Apostles of the United States Province are a community of Priests and Brothers. The order was founded in 1962 by Reverend Eusebe Menard, originally from Quebec.

Their ministry involves the formation of priests and lay leaders to serve as spiritual directors, teachers, and staff members to the Holy Apostle Seminary and College in Cromwell, Connecticut.

There are currently two communities of MSA members living in the United States Province. The priests and brothers serve as hospital chaplains, study at Catholic University of America and support local parishes.

In addition to their Canada location, The Society also has international locations in Africa, Peru, Vietnam, and Indonesia.

Our prayers are with Bishop-elect Rodembourg!

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