The month of October is full of the feast days of saints who are household names. Pope John Paul the Great, Therese of Lisieux, Teresa of Avila, and Pope John XXIII are just a few of the giant saints we celebrate.
But also on the liturgical calendar are obscure saints who you may have never heard of. Check out these eight little-known saints with October feast days!
1. Saint Thecla of Kitzingen
Thecla was originally a nun at Wimborne Abbey in England. The nuns of the abbey sent sent Thecla to Germany to give aid to Saint Boniface’s missionary cause.
When they arrived, Boniface named Thecla the first abbess of Ochsenfurt. She lived with the nuns there for many years. In some lists, she is referred to by the name “Heilga.”
2. Saint Balderic
Balderic was an abbot and prince. He was brothers with Saint Bova. Balderic went on to found a convent at Reims and Montfaucon Abbey in France.
3. Saint Justus of Beauvais
Justus was born in 278 in France. He lived during the Christian persecution by Diocletian.
On a trip to Amiens to ransom a relative, Justus told authorities that he was a Christian magician. The soldiers arrested him, and Justus confessed that he was actually just a Christian. He was only nine years old. The soldiers immediately beheaded him for his faith.
Legend says that Justus stood up after the beheading and took his head into his hands, causing the soldiers to run away in fear.
4. Saint Cleopatra
Nope, this is not time to walk like the Egyptians. We’re talking about Saint Cleopatra, a Palestinian widow who rescued the remains of Saint Varus.
She brought the relics of the saint back to her home in Dera, Syria. When the church was dedicated to Varus, Cleopatra’s son mysteriously died young. According to legend, Varus appeared to Cleopatra and comforted her in her grief.
5. Saint Hilarion
A disciple of Saint Anthony the Great, Hilarion was born in Palestine and educated in Alexandria, Egypt. He spent time with Anthony before becoming a hermit in Israel.
After years in the desert, he returned only to find that his fame as a holy man had spread. He fled to Sicily for anonymity, but was discovered there as well. The miracles that Hilarion performed caused him to be discovered wherever he went.
After his death, Saint Hesychius secretly took his remains back to Palestine.
6. Saint Fulk of Pavia
The bishop of Pavia, Italy, Fulk was of Scottish descent. He spent time studying in Paris before being named Bishop of Piacenza.
He was later sent to Pavia by Pope Honorius III.
7. Saint Theonestus
Theonestus was the Bishop of Philippi, Macedonia. Arian threats forced him to leave his seats as bishop. The pope sent him to Germany to evangelize, but he was again forced to flee because of threats from invading Vandals.
He was more than likely martyred on his return journey when journeying through Italy.
8. Saint Wolfgang
Wolfgang was a German bishop and reformer. He studied with the Benedictines before becoming a teacher at the Cathedral School of Trier, later becoming a Benedictine himself.
Along with a group of monks, he traveled to Hungary to preach. But it wasn’t long before Emperor Otto II named him the Bishop of Regensburg.
Wolfgang was known for his zeal and statesman skills. He reformed clergy, restored monasteries, promoted education, and was known for his charitable aid to the poor. He also served as a tutor for Emperor Henry II.