So many things happen at Mass. There’s a lot of moving parts. Sometimes its like a WIN! other times, an epic fail 🙁 Here’s how we react:
Your first communion
The first time you said the creed without the Missal
And every time you messed up
Your priest/deacon give as awesome homily, and you know it
The homily spoke right to your heart
Something he said was funny, but not funny enough
The lector is reading the wrong reading
You showed up but Mass is over, and you realize you got the time wrong
Or isn’t for another hour
All of a sudden you remember an inside joke and can’t hold it in
Your kid makes it though their first Mass as altar server
Your kid doesn’t
When you hear a kid fill their pants
When your kid fills their pants
Your kid won’t stop screaming
But you’re mom and you don’t care what they think
You’re saving seats
Your first time at a Latin Mass
Someone tries to hug you at the sign of peace
Someone farts
This awesome face
The priest says something controversial
Person giving homily looks at you but you weren’t listening
Or you were falling asleep
They announce it’s donut Sunday
But you have to miss it
Or you get to go to donut Sunday
Or you thought it was donut Sunday but it’s not
Someone’s got bad breath during the creed
You forgot to DVR the football game
You have to leave quickly
Tons more. Part two to come. …
[all images are from]