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Nuns having fun! These religious sisters really knock it out of the park as far as bringing Christ’s light and joy to people through Twitter, either by making hilarious jokes or reminding us of the beauty of faith.

You need to be following these women!


1. Sister Margaret Michael

Sister Margaret Michael is the national vocations director for the Daughters of St. Paul (aka #MediaNuns! You’ll see several of these women on this list). Her tweets are faith-filled and focused. Worth a follow for some great reminders to pray!


2. Sister Helena Burns

With over 31 thousand followers, Sister Helena Burns is one of the most-followed religious sisters on Twitter! Her bio tells it all: “I tweet God, Theology of the Body, Media Lit, Philosophy. Proof God exists: hummingbirds, hockey, coffee.”

She also wrote the book He Speaks to You. Sister Helena Burns is another one of those great Daughters of St. Paul!


3. Sister Miriam James

Her handle (@onegroovynun) pretty much says all you need to know about this sister with SOLT (Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity). Sister Miriam James tweets prayers, feast day reminders, and, recently, all about the Royal Wedding!

She also loves sports and coffee and is the author of book Loved As I Am.


4. Sister Bethany

Another one of those #MediaNuns! Sister Bethany tweets about faith, whatever the latest Internet controversy is (she hears “Laurel” btw), and how to use media well in a life of faith.

Sister Bethany can also be found on Snapchat!


5. Sister Maria Kim Bui

Sister Maria Kim is a regional director for the Daughters of St. Paul and loves Jesus, people, good books, and music. Sometimes she gets into hilarious conversations and always is bringing the joy of the Catholic faith to anyone who encounters her, online or otherwise!


6. Sister B

Sister B is a Salesian sister who tweets about the faith, technology, and the use of social media. She’s also a hoot!

Read more: 9 Priests You Need to Follow on Twitter

Recently, their chapel at Mary Help of Christians Academy burned down. Check out Twitter to see how to help! Sister B is also a contributor on Relevant Radio.


7. Sister Andrew Marie

Another Daughter of St. Paul, Sister Andrew Marie really does well with their mission to communicate the Good News through the media.

Follow her for great quotes from the saints, to learn about different feast days and Mary, and reminders to live the faith charitably and joyfully!



8. Sister Theresa Aletheia


Another #MediaNun! You MUST follow Sister Theresa Aletheia.  She’s a former Atheist who came home to Truth and it is her mission to help everyone find Truth. Also, her daily reminders of #mementomori are sometimes hilarious, sometimes unusual, and all the time insightful and inspiring.

Read more: Twitter Turns 10: Ten Accounts Every Catholic Should Follow

She started a whole trend of Catholics finding skulls to display prominently to remember our death! Sister Theresa Aletheia is also a contributor at Aleteia, author of The Prodigal You Love, and is also on Snapchat and Instagram (@pursuedbytruth).

If you don’t follow Sister Theresa Aletheia, you’re not really part of Catholic Twitter.

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