While we cannot all make it to the Pro-life Marches, we can all take a few minutes and pray for those who are pondering abortion. We can pray that they have a change of heart and carry their babies to term.
Join us by praying a decade of the Rosary. With each “Hail Mary” pray for these situations, and ultimately, an for an end to all abortion.
Our Father
For all families in the world, that they be open to life. (This image comes from CBS News, “Pregnant woman with cancer lives long enough to deliver baby”).
Hail Mary
For those mothers who are poor and do not know how they will care their children.
Hail Mary
For those mothers who are being pressured by their parents or boyfriends to choose abortion and not carry their children to full term.
Hail Mary
For those mothers who find out their baby has Down Syndrome.
Hail Mary
For those mothers who find out their baby has a disability and/or deformity.
Hail Mary
For those mothers who work in industries that pressure them to choose between work or family.
Hail Mary
For those mothers who are having a difficult pregnancy.
Hail Mary
For those mothers who are struggling with addiction, who have drug addicted babies.
Hail Mary
For those mothers who are victims of rape or abuse.
Hail Mary
For those mothers who are sick themselves with cancers or diseases. For women who may feel pressured to abort instead of finding other methods to save the life of both her and the baby.
Image from blog: Penny’s Story blog
Hail Mary
For all the “left-over” embryos from in vitro fertilization, stem cell research, and other medical research.
Glory Be
Glory Be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
St. Gianna Beretta Molla, pray for us!