With St. Valentine’s Day coming up, many people are busy buying flowers, chocolates, and whatnot. However, a good number of us are not planning anything because we are alone . . .
. . . or are we? The saints can help us with any pain we might be feeling due to our singleness.
Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati

This modern-day almost-saint was a young man who tried hard to find his vocation but was unable to find it during his twenty-four years of life. The one girl he brought home to his parents did not live up to their standards. Pier Giorgio also considered religious life, but likewise, his parents did not approve. If you are struggling with your vocation, Pier Giorgio knows your pain.
St. Monica

Saint Monica is the patron saint of mothers. She prayed tirelessly for the conversion of her son, who became Saint Augustine. She is the epitome of a mother wanting what is best for her child. If she prayed so hard for her son, she can pray for you, too.
Sts. Louis and Zellie Martin

If what you are longing for is a holy marriage and family, look no further! Saints Louis and Zellie are a great example of the sacrament of marriage, and I am sure they would love to pray for you and your future spouse. Fun fact: They are the parents of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux.
Sts. Jude and Rita of Cascia

I have grouped these two saints together because they have similar patronages. They are both patrons of impossible causes or desperate situations. Saint Jude, one of the twelve Apostles, has a famous novena one can pray.
Saint Rita, who has a special novena of her own, received major attention in the 2002 movie The Rookie, starring Dennis Quaid. Sometimes, being single means throwing up a prayer to one of these two out of desperation. However, they might not bring you a significant other but will help give you some peace in your pain, as was the case at the end of a novena I prayed to Saint Rita a few weeks ago.