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There are many prayers that help us honor and beseech the Mother of God. Some are beautifully poetic but difficult to remember in moments of stress or frustration. Others are short, sweet, and easy to memorize. Here are a few of the latter type to help you turn to Mary in the chaos of the day.

My Queen, My Mother Invocation

My Queen! My Mother! Remember I am thine own. Keep me, guard me, as thy property and possession.

This short prayer is similar to the personal consecration to Mary that begins in the same way. It reminds us of our relationship with Mary to whom we belong as both her children and the people entrusted to her rule. This is a great prayer to say when you need to be reminded of that reality.

Mother Teresa’s Prayer

Mary, Mother of Jesus, please be a mother to me now

St. Teresa of Calcutta advised to say this short prayer whenever you feel distressed. Asking Mary to be our mother can be powerful. Of course, she already is, but calling on her like this invites the Mother of God to act. The rhythm of this prayer is reminiscient of the Jesus prayer and similarly, could be said with one’s breath which is perfect when the situation calls for prayer and deep breathing.

O Mary Conceived Without Sin

O Mary conceived without sin pray for us who have recourse to thee

This prayer is inscribed onto every miraculous medal. It reminds us of Mary’s immaculate conception and calls on her to pray for us who pray to her. When you need a little help to get through, use this prayer to ask for Our Lady’s intercession. You can even wear a miraculous medal so it is always with you–no memorization required.

To Our Lady of Sorrows

Mother of love, of sorrow, and of mercy pray for us

Mary is known for many attributes, not only her virtues like love and mercy but also her very human sorrow in the face of her life’s many tragedies. This supplication is the closing line of a prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows by St. Bridget. If that’s not enough to convince you to include it in your list of prayers to keep handy, it also includes a partial indulgence.

The Sub Tuum

We turn to you for protection, holy Mother of God. Listen to our prayers and help us in our needs. Save us from every danger, glorious and blessed Virgin.

Used in both the West and East, the Sub Tuum is possibly the oldest prayer to the Virgin Mary. Discovered on a piece of papyrus dated from 300 AD, this short prayer tells us who Mary is and reminds us what she means to us. Turning to the Mother of God is a powerful thing, especially when faced with danger or stress. Her help should not be taken for granted.

We are certain to encounter moments in our day when we need someone to be a mother to us. Jesus knew what He was doing when He gave us his own. The next time you get cut off in traffic, discover the mess your toddler made when they were being too quiet, or recieve a difficult email at work you can have these prayers in your back pocket to turn to the Mother of God for her help and comfort.

Featured Image: Wikimedia Commons. Public Domain. No attribution required.

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