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Easter and Spring have much in common with newness, life, and hope. The Lord’s timing is always perfect. When we celebrate the Resurrection of Christ it coincides in many instances with sunshine, brightness, and beauty. Beauty and the honoring of new life in all its forms point to God’s life in us and to eternal life. There are plenty of reasons to celebrate Spring. Here are ways to live with Christ each day and to do it as a family unit.

Keep the Easter celebration alive

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ without a doubt is the most joyous event in the history of humankind. When the Son of God died, was buried, and rose again after three days, the earth itself trembled and shook. Christ defeated sin and death for the good of humanity. This is a gift for all time. Nothing is greater than this fact. We must remember it each day. Our families need to know the joy of the resurrection through our celebration of Christ’s life. Keep the Easter season alive in your heart by living this out moment by moment.

Continue acts of charity daily

Many people give up their Lenten observances on Holy Thursday. Prayer fasting and almsgiving are actual gifts given to us by God to offer to others. These charitable acts are not meant to be forgotten when the Easter season begins. Our happiness comes from giving to others, and this giving is done through kindness and love. Continue these acts of charity daily, and do it together as a family. Pray for others, give, and fast in order to make a difference. These acts help the marginalized of our world.

Have fun

Wholesome family fun is life-giving and healthy for the heart. When we take the time to truly celebrate the Resurrection and our faith together, it is profound. Our hearts need to enjoy life, and the Lord delights in family fun directed toward the good. Make it a point to invite those who are less fortunate into engaging family activities. This is a way to imitate our Savior. Good family fun is healthy for the soul.

Enjoy the Resurrection of Christ from your heart. Love your family, and love those who need to know God’s love as well. Pray each day, teach your children, and put a smile on your face knowing that you are loved for all eternity by your creator.

Featured Image: Unsplash. Free for commercial use. No attribution required.

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