Although it may seem like we just finished celebrating Christmas, Lent is just a few weeks away. Now is the time to prepare how we are going to enhance our Lenten journey, and there isn’t a more poignant way than to walk with Mary. Fr. Edward Looney carries us along that path in A Lenten Journey with Mother Mary.
A guide to read each day of Lent, Fr. Looney uses approved messages from Marian apparitions to ponder prayer, healing and forgiveness finishing with work of the Cross of Jesus. Clearly understanding how devotionals work, he warns us to not be discouraged if on Ash Wednesday we are gung-ho about meditating daily, only to then taper off later.
His message: don’t be discouraged, and just start again on the day of Lent we are at. Continue to push forward. The devil fears Mary more than any other human in history, because she is the one who crushes his head.
The devotional is perfect for us who only have a moment or two to ourselves to reflect and pray so we can grow closer to her Son on his way to the Cross. Each reflection is brief and can be read in under a minute or two, along with a short prayer and Lenten action. It is in these Lenten actions where we can really dig deep into prayer and reflect upon our own lives how we can more godly. They may be as simple as looking up the upcoming Gospel reading or going to adoration to the more difficult of reflecting on a past sin and seeking forgiveness or even forgiving someone who has sinned against you. These simple and difficult steps will bring you closer to the heart of Jesus.
With each prayer to Mary, we ask her as our Mother to pray for us, to ask her to whisper our name in Jesus’s ear, to help us to live a pure life in mind, body, heart and soul. We forget how powerful her prayers are for us to her Son, as her Son always listens to his mother. Jesus allows Mary to intercede for us, to continue to convert our hearts to follow Jesus through her apparitions for those who will share her message with the world. So many have been converted through her messages at Lourdes, Guadeloupe, and Fatima, to name just a few, that we need to continue to study and reflect upon the words she gives to us.
These Lenten reflections all built up to Holy Week and the Easter Octave. During this week, we walk with Mary as she follows her Son to the cross. We participate in her suffering. We cry tears just as she did. Our hearts are pierced along with Mary’s. Of course, all of this leads us to the joy of Easter knowing Jesus overcame sin and death so that we may live. This is where our prayer now turns towards Jesus and our faith in the Resurrection and life everlasting, and a joyful Easter action.
Fr. Looney makes gives us these simple but deep messages from Mary herself into a beautiful daily reflection to be used throughout Lent. These messages are so relevant to our lives they can even be studied throughout the year when we just need to reflect upon the beauty and sweet words from our Mother. A Lenten Journey with Mother Mary will provide you that resource to grow closer to Mary and bring yourself closer to our Lord on his way to the Cross.