Remember back to that scene in “Indian Jones and the Last Crusade” when Indy (played by Harrison Ford) was forced to pick the “true” Holy Grail from several shelves of Chalices to save the life of his father? Donovan (played by Julian Glover) drinks from the wrong one and dies, whereas Indy picks the correct one and gains eternal life for both him and his father.
This has always caught my curiosity on what the REAL chalice that Jesus used may have looked like. Well I was totally shocked, and here are a few versions that I found:
This is a first century Roman stone chalice – so a definite possibility
This one is also from the 1st Century, another fine specimen
Over the years, chalices have become more ornate and beautiful
Chalice of Abbot Suger of St. Denis. Sardonyx cup dating to the 1st or 2nd century BCE; mounting, gilding, and ornamentation from c. 1137 – 1140 CE.
Jeweled gold chalice from Europe in the 5-10th Century
Simply gorgeous 15th Century from the Church of St. Martin in Bratislava
This was a gift from Sultan Absul Medji to Pope Pius IX in 1846. It is simply amazing!
Another jeweled chalice from German, St Bernward Chalice from the 1390s
This one was made in Russia in the 1600’s
Even our Popes have held some beautiful chalices
My Pastor received a simple gold chalice when he was ordained, but not all priests have their own chalice. If you wanted to give your favorite priest a gift he could use daily (maybe for his ordination, ordination anniversary, or birthday), you could consider these beauties:
Not quite, but similar to the one my pastor uses
Beautifully simple gold with a cross
Silver and gold with jewels, any priest would love.
How about a beautiful sterling silver selection?
Maybe for after Mass… haha.
Regal. This is real heavy metal
Sacred/Immaculate hearts
Gorgeous work
The Saints. I love this one
Wish I could see the rest of this one
“Roman Judaica” class. Love the simplicity here
Just remember: It’s not about the vessel, but what is inside that makes it beautiful, the True Presence, the Blood of Jesus Christ.