One would be hard pressed to be Catholic in America and not be at least slightly aware of the enormous scandal that is being uncovered regarding recently degraded Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. There are as many articles and opinions and letters...
VATICAN CITY – Following three days of an emergency summit meetings at the Vatican every one of Chile’s 34 bishops offered their resignations to Pope Francis. The resignations were accompanied by an apology to the people of Chile for the sex abuse scandal...
Many men and women have been victim to lewd comments, catcalls, gestures, “Locker room talk”, unwelcome sexual advances, and rape. Statistics cite that 1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men will be raped in their lifetimes and that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will...
TORORO, UGANDA – An archbishop in Southeastern Uganda is creating a culture of domestic peace in his archdiocese. Archbishop Emmanuel Obbo of Tororo told the Catholic News Agency of Africa in an interview Aug. 17 that domestic violence is a major challenge...