7 Totally Catholic Quotes From St. Irenaeus

7 Totally Catholic Quotes From St. Irenaeus

Before entering the Catholic church, I had a lot of misconceptions about what Catholicism was. I am not the only one that had these misconceptions, and these misconceptions are still ongoing for many people. There is a very vivid memory I have of the day I made myself...
Hidden Ways the Bible Declares Christ’s Divinity

Hidden Ways the Bible Declares Christ’s Divinity

What do “Eggo Waffles” or your “ego” have to do with the divinity of Jesus Christ? Absolutely nothing! The phrase ego eimi is a Greek phrase meaning “I AM.” In the Greek Septuagint, this is the exact phrase used by God to describe his name to Moses at the burning bush...
Grow in Faith With These 5 Free Catholic Resources

Grow in Faith With These 5 Free Catholic Resources

If you are like me, you want to learn as much as you can about the Catholic Faith. But sometimes there is a small issue of money. There are so many great resources, apostolates, and teachers out there that is hard to spread our hard-earned dollars around. However,...