Forgotten Traditions on the Feast of St. Agnes

Forgotten Traditions on the Feast of St. Agnes

We really don’t hear much about St. Agnes these days. At least, I haven’t seen much about her on Catholic social media or even blogs. I wonder why that is, since she’s such a great saint. Perhaps it’s because people feel like they can’t relate to her. She was a 12-13...
4 Ways to Celebrate the Sacred Heart of Jesus in June

4 Ways to Celebrate the Sacred Heart of Jesus in June

Did you know that the month of June is the traditional month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus? While it’s easier to remember a month like May—the month of Mary and Mother’s Day—sometimes we tend to forget about the other months. The good news that is your friendly...
Where Are the Seven Sacraments in the Bible?

Where Are the Seven Sacraments in the Bible?

When talking about Catholicism with our Protestant brothers and sisters, they may ask you to prove your point with Scripture. You may be asked the question “Where is that in the Bible?” While few Christians disagree that Baptism and the Eucharist are found...