It’s Confirmation season, or so it seems. Religious education directors everywhere are scrambling to finalize details on sacramental preparation. In the backs of their minds, they’re hoping for some reprieve before the next cycle of planning and organizing begins. (We...
Chrism, the Holy Spirit, and slaps across the face. Here are nine things you need to know about Confirmation! 1. Confirmation has been around for a while Catholics have been getting confirmed for almost 2,000 years. According to Saint Cyprian, Confirmation and Baptism...
In a monastery chapel in Alabama, a Franciscan sister wrote down her thoughts about living a Catholic life on a legal pad. Those legal pads would eventually become Mother Angelica’s mini-book series, which were originally published by Our Lady of the Angels...
Mention the word “anniversary” to the married man on the street and he’ll probably recoil in anxiety. Did I forget it—again? Such is the typical modern reaction, as if we needed more evidence that something’s not quite right with our culture. A day that ought to be...