10 Historical Periods in the Church Worse Than Today

10 Historical Periods in the Church Worse Than Today

It is very easy for us to fall into the trap of believing that our age is some how special or much worse compared to previous ages. From the standpoint of world history, the last Century was the bloodiest on record, that seems to be undeniably true. But what about in...
The 3 Legends of St. Arnold of Metz

The 3 Legends of St. Arnold of Metz

If you’re anything like me, you enjoy a nice beverage on the weekend and sometimes that beverage is a beer. One of the best things about being Catholic is that there is a patron saint for almost everything. Yes, even beer! In fact, there are a few patron saints...
11 Amazing Catholic Scientists You Should Know

11 Amazing Catholic Scientists You Should Know

When it comes the Catholic Church and science all we tend to hear about is the Galileo affair. St. John Paul II apologized for various aspects the Church’s handling of Galileo, but it is a lot more complicated than post-modern scientists like to let on. Galileo...