5 Simple Ways to Maintain Your Faith at Any College

5 Simple Ways to Maintain Your Faith at Any College

Everyone’s faith journey is different. For some, having faith starts at a young age. Their Catholic faith was instilled by loved ones and solidified by weekly Mass attendance and Holy Sacraments. For others, faith appeared at a prominent and critical time in his...
Struggles All Catholics with ADHD Can Understand

Struggles All Catholics with ADHD Can Understand

October is ADHD awareness month. The neurobehavioral disorder, ADHD, is characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity and presents in either a predominately inattentive type (formerly known as ADD) or predominately hyperactive type (there is also a...
How to Keep Your Faith in Times of Scandal

How to Keep Your Faith in Times of Scandal

One of the hardest things in the world is maintaining faith when other Christians, especially Christians you admire or look up to, let you down. I have friends who have struggled with real despair.  I hear from converts wondering if they made a mistake joining the...
Having a Place

Having a Place

I live in a small post-war bedroom community north of Seattle.  We moved here about 25 years ago and have loved our cozy hobbit hole ever since.  It’s a three-bedroom cinder block house with a back yard for growing rambunctious little boys into large lumbering...