TORORO, UGANDA – An archbishop in Southeastern Uganda is creating a culture of domestic peace in his archdiocese. Archbishop Emmanuel Obbo of Tororo told the Catholic News Agency of Africa in an interview Aug. 17 that domestic violence is a major challenge...
When we think of “greatness” we tend to think of realms like the political or the arts. Lincoln was a great President. The Beatles were a great rock band. Casablanca was a great film. Greatness is not necessarily co-terminous or identical with...
Friendship is at the core of human relationships. Great philosophers and poets throughout the ages extol the virtues of friendship. Christ even calls us his friends. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you...
Being a Catholic parent or teacher can be daunting work. We’re entrusted with SOULS of small people and burdened with raising them to be good and faithful adults. Having the wisdom that we do from being out in the world for a while now (hehe), we know all too...
Particularly inspiring in this Year of Mercy, here is an extraordinary letter written by a young nun, Sister Lucy Vertrusc, to her mother superior. Sister Vertrusc became pregnant after she was raped in 1995 during the war in the former Yugoslavia. The letter appeared...