In August of 2016, both The Washington Post and Business Insider chronicled the financial success of Rob and Sam Fatzinger, a dynamic husband and wife team, and how they have managed to raise their thirteen children debt-free in one of the most expensive regions in...
The title of this post should read more like the beginning of a corny joke. Three Catholic men and a Protestant cowboy go camping… This last weekend, me and 3 good friends ventured out into the wilderness for some good old fashion wife & kid-free fun. My...
After encouragement from a friend and a conversation with the local prison chaplain, I signed up to help with a Residents Encounter Christ (REC) retreat. Created by Bishop Paul Dudley, the REC program is based on TEC retreats and has been serving the spiritual needs...
Catholics have always had a healthy relationship with sporting events and since the 19th century even popes have been supportive and outspoken on the benefit of sporting to people. (For an interesting article on the matter, click here.) Pope Francis also recently...
I once made a claim, not unlike Gus Portokalos claiming that every word can trace its origin to Greek (My Big Fat Greek Wedding), that every good thing you love came from a Catholic. Well, here are six reasons to thank Catholics for the great things of the world that...