Finding out something that you might not have known is always a fascinating and illuminating experience. Things that you may take for granted have a nifty back story or custom/tradition that dropped it into the collective consciousness. As a budding historian, I have...
Lately, Big Bang Theory actress, neuroscientist, and outspoken Orthodox Jew Mayim Bialik has been catching some heat for how she chooses to dress on the Red Carpet—not because she’s wearing too little, but because she’s wearing more than the norm....
How is your relationship with your guardian angel? If you are like me, it is not as strong as it ought to be. Let us all take some time to reacquaint ourselves with our guardian angels. Here are 9 things your guardian angel wants you to know about him: 1. You Have One...
Pope Francis just arrived in the U.S. after visiting Cuba as part of his Apostolic Journey. Â It’s been a whirlwind trip with serious potential for social and political effect. Â A Pope does not simply visit a Communist nation without leaving his spiritual...