Ah, prayer. Conversation with God, simple as it sounds, can bring with it some major struggles. There seems to be no end to advice out there on how to handle distractions, dry spells, and lack of time for prayer. There are plenty of us who are working to improve our...
Caught up in the day to day business of life? Convinced yourself that “the active life” means that there’s no need for daily, dedicated prayer time? Think a deep, profound interior life isn’t for you? Think again. You need an old-fashioned Irish Cistercian to give you...
This is one of those awesome ideas that always makes me think two things to myself: Why didn’t I think of that? and Why are we not funding this?! Well, people did fund it. I found out about the Wallet Rosary on the Joe Sales blog and I was astonished at how...
We covered the amazing development of Devin Rose’s Pray the Novena app, and how he made praying novenas ridiculously easy. Immediately upon it’s release people were asking when it would be available for Android users. Well, Devin agrees, all users should...
1. A devotion to the Hail Mary prayer can be traced to the 1100s. Abbot Baldwin, the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1184 wrote about a devotion to the ‘Hail Mary’ prayer and said, “To this salutation of the Angel, by which we daily greet the most...