Even though Lent is just beginning, you should start thinking about Holy Thursday right now. Hidden in the upper room with his closest apostles, Jesus gave the entire world such a wonderful and mysterious gift all in one night. We all know the story that is written,...
Jesus primarily spread the gospel through questions. He asked many questions of those who followed him, even his own mother! In his book Answering the Questions of Jesus, Father Andrew Apostoli, CFR explains some of these questions and how we should be answering them....
Everyone experiences loneliness at some time or another. Adam experienced it in the Garden of Eden. Jesus, on the cross. Many saints even experienced loneliness. No one is immune, but there are ways to combat it. In his book The Catholic Guide to Loneliness:...
The odds were stacked against Augustus Tolton. He was born into slavery, his father died when he was young, he lived in poverty, and was denied access to every Catholic seminary in America. But despite the hardships he experienced, Tolton went on to become the first...
It wasn’t easy living in Ancient Rome. Women were treated as property and many marriages were loveless and miserable. Teenage boys roamed the streets in gangs and parents left their children outside the streets in the dung heaps to die. Finding themselves in the...