6 Weapons You Need to Battle Against Possession

6 Weapons You Need to Battle Against Possession

There’s a battle for our souls being waged in the spiritual realm. Good versus evil, God versus the devil, each is vying for our eternal resting spot. While the battle may seem terrifying, we’re not left vulnerable in our fight. Christ and the Church have...
Why Is This Quiet Saint the “Terror of Demons?”

Why Is This Quiet Saint the “Terror of Demons?”

March 19 is the feast of Saint Joseph. Many Catholics ask for his prayers as the patron of fathers and workers, but did you know that the foster father of Christ is known by another, way more metal title? One you can invoke in times of intense spiritual trouble? Why...
What Happened to Me While Reading a Book on Demons

What Happened to Me While Reading a Book on Demons

Writing for EpicPew has given me some amazing opportunities. One of the most recent opportunities I have been given was the chance to read Father Gabriele Amorth’s book An Exorcist Explains the Demonic: The Antics of Satan and His Army of Fallen Angels. I have...