Particularly inspiring in this Year of Mercy, here is an extraordinary letter written by a young nun, Sister Lucy Vertrusc, to her mother superior. Sister Vertrusc became pregnant after she was raped in 1995 during the war in the former Yugoslavia. The letter appeared...
In August of 2016, both The Washington Post and Business Insider chronicled the financial success of Rob and Sam Fatzinger, a dynamic husband and wife team, and how they have managed to raise their thirteen children debt-free in one of the most expensive regions in...
If you haven’t seen it by now, there’s a great Nike commercial going around featuring Madonna Buder, nicknamed the “Iron Nun”. Check it out: In typical Nike fashion, the video is well executed and inspirational, but I love that it features an...
After encouragement from a friend and a conversation with the local prison chaplain, I signed up to help with a Residents Encounter Christ (REC) retreat. Created by Bishop Paul Dudley, the REC program is based on TEC retreats and has been serving the spiritual needs...
Sister Theresa Aleteia Noble wrote a hilarious piece a while back, 10 Things You Should Never Say to a Nun, and we asked if we could being it to you. We’re very happy she was generous. Here’s her original piece from I recently read a popular...