Watch Meetings from Pre-Synod on Youth LIVE

Watch Meetings from Pre-Synod on Youth LIVE

ROME – 300 young adults from all over the world are gathering in Vatican City this week. Over the course of the next seven days, they’ll be meeting with Pope Francis to prepare for the October Synod of Bishops on youth, faith, and vocational discernment....
The 15 People You Meet at Youth Retreats

The 15 People You Meet at Youth Retreats

I have attended a good number of youth retreats, and I have noticed a pattern of people you typically see at a retreat. There always seems to be one or two (or many) people who fall into these categories. Check out these fifteen people you may meet on your next youth...
5 Nonessential Ministries No Parish Should Go Without

5 Nonessential Ministries No Parish Should Go Without

Technically, there isn’t much outside the Holy Mass that a parish is obliged to offer its congregants. Within the Mass the mandate to provide for the catechetical, pastoral, and sacramental needs of the parish are essentially covered. There are many ministries that...
5 Things I Learned as a Youth Minister

5 Things I Learned as a Youth Minister

During my time as a youth minister, I learned a great deal about myself, teenagers today, evangelization, and faith in general. I walked away from my experience (I’m now a full-time high school theology teacher) with a deeper appreciation for how difficult it is...