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The time for the O! Antiphons,  which begin on December 17th every year, is rapidly approaching and this means Christmas is almost here! If you feel like this Advent Season is going by at a ridiculously fast pace, and just realized that Gaudete Sunday is right upon us, then these “Uh-O” Antiphons are for you!

Uh-Oh Sapientia (Wisdom)

Similar to the first “Great O!” which is “O Wisdom of our God Most High,
guiding creation with power and love: come to teach us the path of knowledge!”

This one goes: “Uh-O, Wisdom, I lacked you and did not look at the calendar and realize that there is only a short fourth week of Advent this year!”

Uh-O Adonai (Leader of the House of Isreal)

The O Antiphon that this one reminds us of says: O Leader of the House of Israel,
giver of the Law to Moses on Sinai: come to rescue us with your mighty power!

Our “Uh-O” Antiphons reads: Uh-O, Leader of the House of Israel, I am stressed! Please come rescue me from my own busyness and remind me of the reason for this (hectic) season!

Uh-O Radix Jesse (Root of Jesse of Stump of Jesse)

Instead of “O Root of Jesse’s stem, (stump of Jesse’s tree) sign of God’s love for all his people: come to save us without delay!”

Our Uh-O Antiphon says, “Uh-O Radix Jesse, I feel pulled in twenty directions and need to be reminded that I am a beloved child of God! (Also, I need to remember to water my Christmas tree which is going to be a stump otherwise).

Uh-O Clavis David (Key of David)

The fourth of the O Antiphons says: “O Key of David, opening the gates of God’s eternal Kingdom: come and free the prisoners of darkness!”

The Uh-O Antiphon is: “Uh-O Key of David, I am so frazzled that I forgot my Amazon password and can’t order the last minute gifts before shipping deadlines! Open for me the password reset screen so I can log in!”

Uh-O Oriens (Radiant Dawn)

O Radiant Dawn, splendor of eternal light, sun of justice: come and shine on those who dwell in darkness and in the shadow of death.” This antiphon is a beautiful prayer when we can breathe and reflect on the awesome symbolism of a dawn breaking. (Gandolf reflecting the light of the dawn at the battle of Helm’s Deep vibes…)

When we feel like we are scrambling to catch up to a season that is already half over, it may read: “Uh-O Radiant Dawn, you have shone early and I am still so tired! Please let me get some rest!”

Uh-O Rex Gentium (King of All Nations)

The second to last O Antiphon reads: “O King of all nations and keystone of the Church:
come and save man, whom you formed from the dust!”

Our Uh-O Antiphon may instead say: “Uh-O King of all nations and keystone of the Church, come and save me from myself, for I have gotten so busy and so tired that I have almost forgotten to get to the Advent penance service!”

O Emmanuel

The last of the Great O’s proclaims: “O Emmanuel, our King and Giver of Law: come to save us, Lord our God!”

Our Uh-O version should declare: “Uh-O Emmanuel, I almost forgot the true reason for this season of Advent, I almost was overwhelmed by the world and it’s fast paced-Christmas. O King and Giver of the Law, come to save ME, Lord My God! I need you!”

May this crazy-fast Advent be filled with unexpected encounters with the Lord who became Man for you! While the Uh-O antiphons may seem more relatable this year, perhaps a goal for each of us should be to slow down just enough to laugh at ourselves, and then recall the reason why we anticipate Christmas. It is the coming of the God-made-Man who loves us more than we can possibly understand or imagine. When the Uh-Os of the season of Advent seem overwhelming, may you remember the true reason for this season!
Happy Advent from your Epic Pew family.

Featured Image Photo Credit: By Castorepollux.Ordre des prĂȘcheurs – Gallica(Original text: Own work), CC BY-SA 4.0,

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