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Do you have a niece or nephew, a godchild, or your own child who you want get something special this Christmas? A gift that won’t just keep them entertained or be vaguely “educational” but will enrich their lives with reminders of our faith or encourage their devotion? Here is your ultimate Catholic gift guide for kids from birth through the teen years.


  • A blanket or quilt with a cute Catholic-inspired print like these or this one or this quilt pattern if you’re crafty (unlike me).
  • A classic toy with a faith-based twist like this rainbow bead slider that reminds us God keeps his promises.
  • Saint board books are a lovely introduction to our Heavenly family. This one also introduces letters. Bonus!
  • Silicone rosaries are quite cute to see clasped in a little one’s hands or hung by them as they sleep. A silicone decade rosary can be, I think, even cuter. A tiny rosary for a tiny person.


  • Mass play kits are great. Personally, I like this wooden church set with little priest and server figures for kids to act out Mass or Adoration. If play is how kids learn let’s encourage them to learn about the faith!
  • Quiet busy books are awesome for taking kids to Adoration or daily Mass or just to allow parents a few minutes of quiet prayer for themselves. A few options: this Mass specific book or this Christmas themed book.
  • Wooden puzzles. This beautiful Nativity puzzle includes Bible verses you can read out to your little one.



Consider these gifts for the children in your life and keep Christmas focused on Christ.

Featured image by Mel Poole on Unsplash

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