Parents are always on the look out for new and fun ways to pass the Catholic Faith to their children. And there’s a new coloring book that can help! Day-by-Day Coloring Book of Saints Volume 2 July through December by Mary MacArthur and Anna Maria Mendell offers saints and blessed for every day of the back half of the year!
Each day features a simple but beautiful coloring page depicting a different saint and his or her story. On the opposing page is a summary of the saint’s life, what we can learn from them, and why they’re so cool.

Saints featured are from around the world and all continents, including Asia, Europe, and Africa. Have you ever heard of Bl. Peter To Rot from Papua New Guinea? Now you will! Be prepared to meet St. Agricola of Avignon who was a bishop in 600s France and St. Maria Crocifissa di Rosa who founded a religious order in 1800s Italy.

Kids will have fun coloring the full-size pages and parents will delight in learning alongside their children. This book is a must-have for all Catholic kids! Pick up Day-by-Day Coloring Book of Saints Volume 2 July through December and give your kids a new way to grow in the Faith this year.