Any parent will tell you that kids have a very short attention span. (You’ve known this for a long time, right?) Parents are lucky to have them long enough to sweep the floor or pick up one shirt off their floor. This can be especially true when it comes to teaching them the Catholic Faith. The other issue parents may have is they don’t have all the answers to their questions about aspects of the sacraments. Here is where The Sacraments in Action from Sophia Press can help. Check it out!

Bold words and full color images cover this action-packed graphic novel covering Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist. There is a brief introduction giving a summary of the sacrament, then the comic book adventures of Hannah and Andy as they encounter Christ in each of the sacraments.

After the sacrament, there are short Bible verses, quotes from the saints, and creative activities to reinforce what the kids just learned, including drawing and word finds.

The story and images very attractive and both parents, and kids will learn so much about each of the true meaning of the sacrament. The Sacraments in Action from Sophia Press is an awesome way to get kids excited about the sacraments and have them reading the story over and over again.