Harrison Lemke just released his newest album Thy Tender Care right before Christmas and it’s a gem. Here are 5 reasons why you should also listen to it (and listen to all his other work, too).

1. He’s Catholic
This is pretty self-explanatory but we should definitely be supporting the good work of other Catholics.
2. He sees God everywhere
And shouldn’t we all? There’s God in the ceiling tiles, God in the memories, God in the future, God in everything Harrison portrays. Sometimes he’s muddled among the thoughts and sometimes he’s centerstage, but he’s always there.
3. Harrison is seriously talented!
Not only did Harrison write, record, and mix every song on this album, but he also created almost all of the music you hear on it. He sang vocals and played guitars, banjo, violin, keyboards, bass, and percussion, created the “noise” (listen and you’ll find out—it’s glorious). And he calls his style “tape-hiss symphonies to God”, how could you not want to listen to that?
4. This album is melancholic but in the beautiful, hopeful way
That’s kinda hard to achieve in and of itself, but Harrison pulls it off wonderfully. Never too heavy-handed on the trip down memory lane, never too springy as he hops towards the future, and perfectly balanced in the present. Honestly, this album is like catching up with a friend and reliving some of your best memories while walking into the future.
5. Harrison’s other albums are just as stunning
He’s released 12 in total and each is as good as, or even better, than the others. You want proof of talent? There you go. You will never become bored listening to Harrison’s work, and a work of love it is. Part of the dedication on his latest album says, “All glory to God and His weird mercies”– that’s a man, an artist, who is invested in Who God really is and loves that God.
If you want to listen to Harrison Lemke’s latest album Thy Tender Care, head on over to his site to find all the ways to listen and download.