“I happen to know there is more to Mexico than great food and Spanish class!”
The wise words of the title character of the children’s TV show Wishbone point to a great truth: Mexico has a rich history, a history that was greatly influenced by the Blessed Virgin Mary. When a children’s television program that does not normally discuss religion tells the story of a Marian apparition, you know there is a significant meaning behind this event. One of the lessons to be learned from the Marian apparition in Mexico is to follow the example of Saint Juan Diego.
Prior to the apparition, Juan Diego used to walk to Mass every Saturday and Sunday. This walk took three and a half hours. In order to be on time Mass and religious instruction, he would leave before dawn.
Oh, and one more thing: He walked barefoot.
NOTE: He did this BEFORE seeing Mary.
When Saint Juan Diego brought Our Lady’s request to build a church to the bishop, the bishop did not believe him, and members of the bishop’s staff mocked him and called him a con artist. Despite the negative treatment, he believed in Our Lady’s words of consolation and courageously carried out her directives.
Mary as Mother
When Juan Diego’s uncle fell sick, he did not go to see Our Lady as he had promised. He, instead, sought a doctor and a priest, but Mary appeared to him in a different location. In response to his excuse for not meeting her at the agreed upon time and place, Our Lady said, “Am I not here, I who am your mother?” She then revealed to him that his uncle had recovered. Without checking to see if she spoke the truth, he changed his plan of action to attend to his uncle and followed her instructions.Juan Diego was consoled by her words and believed her with a child-like trust. His actions show us the power of Marian intercession and looking upon Our Lady as a mother.
Desire to Be Close to Our Lord and Our Lady

The Capilla de Indios (Chapel Of Indians), built next to where Saint Juan Diego lived following the apparition until his death
Following the construction of the church requested by Our Lady of Guadalupe, Saint Juan Diego moved into a small house near the church. The experience of witnessing a Marian apparition created an irresistible desire to be close to Our Lady and her Son, Jesus Christ.