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Scientists often will remove God from the study of science or will try to draw conclusions in scientific discovery denying there is a relationship between God and science. They will struggle with proofs, write off conclusions using the ‘unknown’ or do everything they can to not use the existence of God as an explanation for why something is the way it is. This is surprising because “science operates in the realm of nature” and cannot draw conclusions beyond the realm of nature. It can only answer the question of how and not why. Here are some facts of science which only points to God’s existence.

Human knowledge is limited, but there is always more science

Scientific fact: What we know today is less than what we know tomorrow. If we admit we “know it all” then there is no reason to keep searching for more. We must push forward and keep the study of science because if we stop we are admitting there is more, then there is no more to discover. Physicist Pieter Zeeman was told in 1883 not to study physics because “there’s no more to discover.” How wrong were those people? Pushing forward also means we find “hints” or “signs” of God’s existence in what science has discovered.

Laws of nature point to God

Considering from the creation of the universe to how gravity works to how something came from nothing, “only Creator God can explain why the laws of nature are the way they are.” Many of these laws can be explained by how it works (like the forces at work on a bouncing ball), what it is, the conditions that cause it to be true, but there is always a ‘first’ question of why is it that way which science cannot answer. None of these, and countless other scientific laws can be fully explained except for “by an unconditional, infinite and necessary Being: God.”

Our universe is more than just coincidence

Science has a tendency to just explain away coincidence as fact. For example, the Earth is perfectly placed distance from the Sun, gravity maintains our atmosphere and the things upon it as fact or just the way it is, but why have those same laws of nature that govern our world not created the same results anywhere in the universe? Or why haven’t the laws observed in the universe shown the same irregularities here on Earth? This is when many scientists will explain away these questions with the non-scientific answer of ‘coincidence.’ Physicist John A. Wheeler said, “A life-giving factor lies at the center of the whole machinery and design of the world.”

Big Bang doesn’t explain away God

Many will use the Big Bang Theory to explain how the universe and everything just came into existence. This still doesn’t explain what started the initial ‘BANG’. Scientists will use the law of numbers to explain away the statistical improbability that the earth has all of the perfect conditions to support life while other bodies in space do not. But what is mind blowing is the “universe may have a beginning and a timeline, Creation itself does not have a beginning or a timeline. Instead, Creation actually makes the beginning of the universe and its timeline possible.”

Even the smartest scientists considered God

Yes, not all scientists are atheist. Not that they would give up on their studying of their science, but they often would ask questions of wonder. Albert Einstein asked, “What I am really interested in is whether God could have made the world in a different way?” Former atheist Antony Flew on the idea of multiple alternative universe’s stated, “So multiverse or not, we still have to come to terms with the origin of the laws of nature. And the only viable explanation here is the divine Mind.” Francis Collins, the former longtime leader of the Human Genome Project believes DNA is the “language of God.”

Is your mind blown? While there is not any proof that God does not exist, science actually points to the existence of God. Science is limited by what can be dissected, measured or counted. It also relies upon certain assumptions about reality, causality, intelligibility, order, and experimentation. To feed the scientific and religious mind, How Science Points to God by Dr. Gerard Verschuuren guides readers through various scientific points, such as physics, genetics, neuroscience, and logic and math, which ultimately shows how science is limited and must fill in the gaping wide hole with the existence of God.

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