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LOS ANGLES—Kesha hasn’t released an album in four years. The breakout artist has been in legal trouble with her label and producer since 2012 and courts have preventer her from recording any new music due to contractual disputes. But that changes in 2017.

Kesha’s latest single, “Praying” is a powerful, emotion-packed song where she addresses the struggles that have kept her off the stage the past several years. She vividly speaks in the song of her hurt and journey to forgiveness: feelings of betrayal, depression, abandonment, and rising through it all. In the lyrics she hopes that the person who hurt her so badly, can be found on their knees praying, changing, and finding forgiveness from God.

“I hope you’re somewhere praying, praying
I hope your soul is changing, changing
I hope you find your peace
Falling on your knees, praying”


Much of her legal issues stem from contractual disputes, but she also alleges that she was assaulted by her producer. According to Business Insider—For the last few years, Kesha has been trying to free herself from her contract with Dr. Luke, her former producer and mentor whom she alleges drugged, and sexually and verbally assaulted her during her time recording with him at Sony. Sony finally removed Dr Luke from the company back in April, according to Pitchfork, and now Kesha’s new album “Rainbow” is being released under his former label Kemosabe.


While Kesha does not claim to be a Christian and her support of the LGBT community are in disagreement with Church teaching, one can very clearly see throughout the video references to Christianity.

A chapel with a kneeler, dressed as an angel with a crown of thorns on her head, neon crosses, lit candles in prayer—there are references to other beliefs in a higher power as well throughout the music video for the single. “My own interpretation of spirituality isn’t important, because we all have our own. What matters is that I have something greater than me as an individual that helps bring me peace.”

Kesha also wrote, “‘Praying’ was written about that moment when the sun starts peeking through the darkest storm clouds, creating the most beautiful rainbow. Once you realize that you will in fact be okay, you want to spread love and healing. If you feel like someone has wronged you, get rid of that hate, because it will just create more negativity. One thing that has brought me great relief is praying for those people.”


Despite her relativistic beliefs, “Praying” is a powerful song for anyone who has ever been betrayed and found freedom through forgiveness and prayer.

Forgiveness, trials, strength and wishing the best for those who have hurt us are messages that reach to the core of who we are as Catholics. It is the message of the cross. Let us join in praying for all those who seek, that they continue seeking until they find the message of the Cross and true peace with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Let us also pray that the artist Kesha will continue her journey towards God.

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