Jessica McAfee, Author at EpicPew

Jessica McAfee

Jessica is a stay at home, homeschooling mother of three awesome young boys and a baby girl. She works as a FertilityCare Practitioner at the Pope Paul VI Institute. Also a student at Holy Apostles College and Seminary, she loves studying bioethics and Sacred Scripture. She is married to the founder of EpicPew, so she's kind of, like... forced into this.

100 Years After Sigrid Undset’s Conversion, Donated Vestments Finally are Used!

Did you know that the popular trilogy, “Kristin Lavransdatter” was written by a female Catholic convert? Did you also know that she hosted mass in her home inviting anyone who would come, and prayed for vocations from her hometown? In faith, she donated a set of gorgeous vestments for the first priest from her hometown

100 Years After Sigrid Undset’s Conversion, Donated Vestments Finally are Used! Read More »