3 Simple Steps to Loving God More – EpicPew

3 Simple Steps to Loving God More

Knowing, loving, and serving God is what living our faith is all about. It’s right from the St. Joseph’s catechism, which many of us were taught as little kids, and have used within our own family. When we take this seriously in our daily lives, we can make a big difference for others. Doing so also helps us to evangelize those who are away from the faith to come back. Here are three simple steps to love God more in daily life.

Know God

Knowing God is step one in loving him more. Knowing God also means we must learn as much as we can about our Catholic faith. Reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the lives of the saints, papal documents, and encyclicals, and more are great ways to begin. Make it a point to really know and understand Catholic teachings and what it means to be Catholic is a primary step in loving God more.

Love God

Loving God means loving him and loving his people. Loving God also entails praying daily and fostering your relationship with his son Jesus and his church. Loving his people is a keyway to love him more, since we are called to love others as we love ourselves. Jesus is our greatest model when it comes to loving God as he did everything out of love for his father. Our blessed mother is also a wonderful example of loving faith of God the father and that of her own son. When we treat people kindly, do God’s will, and serve others we are loving God.

Serve God

Serving God is when we wake up every day eager to do as he commands. Serving him means we put others first, trusting that he will take care of us each day. Serving our families is a primary way that we can serve the Lord. Aside from family, we can serve our friends, neighbors, those at church, and many people we do not know. We can even serve our enemies and those who are lukewarm to us through prayer and through wishing for them the best.  Serving God is how we put our love of God into daily action.

Knowing, loving, and serving God is how we fulfill our commitment to him and to love him more. It takes time and effort to do so, but it is worth it. Through prayer, perseverance, and trust in God, you can love God more with these three simple steps.

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