8 Ways Catholics Can Reclaim *SAINT* Valentine's Day – EpicPew

8 Ways Catholics Can Reclaim *SAINT* Valentine’s Day

Are you tired of the commercialism that has ravaged the true meaning of Christmas, Easter, Saint Patrick’s Day, and other ideally sacred days? Speaking of *Saint* Patrick’s Day, doesn’t *Saint* Valentine’s Day have a similarly better ring to it? How ironic that, although Saint Valentine opposed the pagan Roman practices, a particular neo-paganism has taken over in modern times.

If you want to restore some of the holiness that Saint Valentine’s Day should connote, here are eight ways that Catholics (and anyone of good will) can, with little effort, celebrate the courageously righteous Saint Valentine (actually, all three of them – see below for more details). Try all eight of these!



1. Wish people “Happy *Saint* Valentine’s Day!”

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Adding the word “Saint” will get them thinking (and, if you are preparing for courtship in anticipation of marriage, such a greeting might just fall on the right ears – see #4).


2. Learn more about the three Saint Valentines

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Each of whom was a Roman martyr during the era of the early Church. Here are some good resources:


3. Pray for the intercession of all three Saint Valentines. The more, the merrier!

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4. Refocus attention

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(both yours if you are single, and others’ if you are already in another vocation) on courtship in preparation for marriage, instead of on serial dating. Check out some good Catholic reading, such as Kevin and Lisa Cotter’s book Dating Detox: 40 Days of Perfecting Love in an Imperfect World (Ignatius Press and the Augustine Institute, 2016), John and Teri Bosio’s book Joined by Grace: A Catholic Prayer Book for Engaged and Newly Married Couples (Ave Maria Press, 2016), or any of the other numerous titles on marriage from Ave Maria Press, including additional offerings within their new Joined by Grace series.


5. Wear red

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And tell people that you are honoring the three martyrs named Saint Valentine. If they tell you that you are a Catholic weirdo, tell them that you will ask for the intercession of all three Saint Valentines on their behalf. Couldn’t hurt!


6. Promote a greater embrace of chastity

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And… modesty in society. Ladies and gentlemen: keep those red garments sufficiently long and insufficiently revealing (see #5). Look into the good work of initiatives such as the Chastity Project.


7. Send a valentine to your beloved 

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Make sure it contains your favorite passage from the Song of Songs. (Consult a biblical exegete if the color of your face now matches that of your garment from #5, and ensure that you understand what the passage is actually conveying.)


8. Go to Eucharistic adoration

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Then, offer up prayers, through the intercession of Saint Valentine (again, all three of them – they can handle it), for all of those who are preparing for marriage or are already married, particularly those who are confronting significant difficulties.


Saint Valentine, pray for us!

Saint Valentine, pray for us!

Saint Valentine, pray for us!

Image result for saint valentine's day priest red

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