A Saint for Every Day in July – EpicPew

A Saint for Every Day in July

1. St. Junipero Serra

Spanish missionary to California who founded nine missions and converted 6,000 people. Stood up to the authorities over their treatment of the native population

2. St. Bernardino Realino

Lawyer turned Jesuit known for being a model confessor, being an excellent preacher and teacher of the faith, and his charity to the poor and sick

3. St. Thomas

Apostle best known for doubting the Resurrection until he could touch the wounds of Christ. Patron saint of architects/builders/construction workers/surveyors, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and theologians

4. Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati

Anti-fascist, mountain-climbing young man dedicated to using his financial means to serve the poor and sick

5. St. Elizabeth of Portugal

Queen of Portugal, known for her works of peacemaking and charity

6. St. Maria Goretti

Young girl brutally attacked by a neighbor. While dying, she forgave her attacker.

7. Bl. Ralph Milner

English martyr, arrested on the day of his first communion

8. St. Grimbald

Benedictine abbot who declined the see of Canterbury, preferring to remain a monk

9. St. Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions

Augustine Zhao Rong was a Chinese soldier who eventually became a priest. These 120 martyrs were killed for the faith in China between 1648 and 1930

10. Bl. Emmanuel Ruiz

Spanish Franciscan martyred in Lebanon along with 12 companions

11. St. Benedict

Known as the founder of Western monasticism and twin brother of St. Scholastica

12. St. John Jones

Welsh Franciscan martyred for being a Catholic priest

13. St. Henry

Holy Roman Emperor known for his support of reform in the Church. Patron of the childless, of Dukes, of the handicapped and those rejected by Religious Order

14. St. Kateri Tekakwitha

Daughter of a Mohawk warrior and a Catholic Algonquin woman who decided to live life as a Christian virgin

15. St. Bonaventure

Franciscan friar known for his philosophical and theological writings

16. St. Helier

6th-century ascetic and hermit who brought Christianity to Jersey and is patron of diseases of the skin and eyes.

17. Carmelite Nuns of Compiegne

16 nuns who were guillotined for living their religious vocation during the French Revolution. Their names were: Marie Claude Brard; Madeleine Brideau; Maire Croissy; Marie Hanisset; Marie Meunier; Rose de Neufville Annette Pebras; Anne Piedcourt: Madeleine Lidoine, the prioress; Angelique Roussel; Catherine Soiron and Therese Soiron, Anne Mary Thouret; Marie Trezelle; and Elizabeth Verolot

18. St. Camillus of Lellis

Born into a noble family, but lost his wealth due to gambling and riotous living. Converted at the age of 25, and eventually founded a congregation of priests and lay brothers, the Servants of the Sick (later known as the Camillians)

19. St. John Plessington

Arrested in Chester during the Popish Plot (conspiracy theory invented by Titus Oates that led to anti-Catholic hysteria in England and Scotland) scare and martyred for being a Catholic priest

20. St. Apollinaris

Late-second-century bishop of Ravenna and probably martyred there.

21. St. Laurence of Brindisi

Capuchin friar known for his great preaching to Catholics, Protestants, and Jews. He also held many high administrative offices within the Capuchin order.

22. St. Mary Magdalen

Jesus casted out seven devils from her. One of the women who first discovered the empty tomb on Easter morning and the first to whom the Risen Jesus appeared.

23. St. Bridget of Sweden

Married to a nobleman and had eight children. Later, she and her husband decided to spend the rest of their lives in monasteries. A few years after her husband’s death, she went to Rome, served the poor, denounced the excesses of the aristocracy, and tried to convince the Pope to return to Rome from Avignon.

24. St. Charbel Makhlouf

19th century Maronite monk and hermit who refused to touch money and saw himself as the servant of all who came to visit his hermitage, which many did because of his wise counsel

25. St. James the Greater

Apostle, brother of St, John, present at the Transfiguration, one of those who slept through most of the Agony in the Garden, and the first of the Apostles to be martyred.

26. Sts. Anne and Joachim

Grandparents of Jesus and parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary

27. St. Pantaleon

Physician and martyr for the faith. Patron of Physicians, midwives, livestock, headaches, consumption, locusts, witchcraft, accidents, loneliness, and crying children

28. St. Innocent I

Pope who confirmed the decrees of the African Bishops, condemning Pelagianism.

29. St. Martha

Sister of Mary of Bethany and Lazarus whom Jesus raised from the dead

30. St. Peter Chrysologus

Bishop of Ravenna, given the name “Chrysologus” which means “Golden speech” because he was a talented preacher

31. St. Ignatius of Loyola

Founder of the Jesuits and author of the Spiritual Exercises

Read about these saints, and let your calendar with faith, hope, and their intercessory love.

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