29 Inspirational Richard Simmons Quotes

29 Inspirational Richard Simmons Quotes

Born Milton Teagle Simmons on July 12, 1948, in New Orleans, Louisiana, the flamboyant Richard Simmons spent his life helping others feel better about themselves and lose weight by sweating to the oldies. What people may not know about Simmons is that he is Catholic...
Do Dogs Go to Heaven?

Do Dogs Go to Heaven?

I was once having a casual chat with a priest. Somehow, we got on the subject of animals and Heaven. This led him to say, “Now, there might be animals in heaven, but it won’t be Fluffy.” My heart sank. At the time, I had an older beagle named...
A Saint for Every Day in July

A Saint for Every Day in July

1. St. Junipero Serra Spanish missionary to California who founded nine missions and converted 6,000 people. Stood up to the authorities over their treatment of the native population 2. St. Bernardino Realino Lawyer turned Jesuit known for being a model confessor,...