6 Television Programs Catholics Would Love to Watch

6 Television Programs Catholics Would Love to Watch

Here are our top six TV shows that Catholics would love to watch!   1. The Parish Office Anyone who has ever worked at a Catholic parish will tell you that you meet quite the cast of characters, and the staff at St. Margaret’s is no exception. From the...
The Best of Catholic Spoken Word Poetry

The Best of Catholic Spoken Word Poetry

Lately, I have been watching a lot of spoken word poetry videos on YouTube. This has led me to read more poetry. I have found that I like reading the poems of poets who perform spoken word better than the poets who wrote their poems and left them in a book. I like...
This Post Will RUIN Your Saint Patrick’s Day

This Post Will RUIN Your Saint Patrick’s Day

Soon, March 17 will be upon us. That day, many will celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day, or to be more specific, the optional memorial of Saint Patrick, Bishop and Confessor. Most people get this day wrong. They use it as an excuse to engage in less than virtuous...
Here Are the Perfect VaLENTine’s Day Cards

Here Are the Perfect VaLENTine’s Day Cards

This year, Lent begins on Valentine’s Day falls.  This can make it difficult to celebrate the day with your special someone. While it seems like a good idea to find a different day on which to celebrate Valentine’s Day, there is no real need to do so. The...